Episode 63
The Heat Is On! Hot(!!)Reload Is Out!
July 12th, 2019
34 mins 52 secs
About this Episode
It's July and we're in Houston for the Xamarin Developer Summit!!
And it's 🔥🔥🔥hot hot hot🔥🔥🔥!!
But it's not the temperature outside - it's because Xamarin.Forms XAML now has HOT RELOAD! 🔥🔄
If that's not mind bending enough - we cover a ton of other great stuff in this pod too! There's a ton, ton, ton of new Android improvements. AndroidX, startup tracing, JetPacks - find out what those all are!
Did you know that Tizen supports Xamarin.Essentials? You do now! VS Mac has better XAML Intellisense, and learn all about the goodness that is Azure Cosmos DB.
Plus there's a whole lot more too!
As always, get yourself some free Azure here!
Show Notes
- XAML Hot Reload 🔥🔄
- Android App Bundles
- iOS 13 Preview Available
- Get Started With iOS 13
- Xamarin.Essentials Docs
- Automatic Android SDK Management
- New VS Mac XAML Intellisense
- Tizen for Xamarin.Essentials!
- VS Mac 8.2 Preview
- Smaller DEX's on Android => Faster Apps!
- Migrate those macOS apps to 64 bit!
- Find out more on how to implement for multiple device resolutions!
- Visual Studio App Center
- App Center Auth
- App Center Data
- Azure Cosmos DB
- Xamarin Media Manager
- Debug Rainbows
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