Episode 7
Meetups, Bind, Xamarin.Mac, Parallax, WeMo
January 17th, 2014
21 mins 29 secs
About this Episode
Episode seven of the Xamarin Podcast kicks off the new year with Google Glass, Meetup Managers, Parallax and Shaking Windows. Hear about Frank Krueger's new Bind framework, automating your home with WeMo from Belkin and speeding up your HTTP calls with a Xamarin component from Paul Betts.
BUILD 2014 - http://buildwindows.com
MvvmCross - https://github.com/mvvmcross/mvvmcross
MeetupManager on GitHub - https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/meetupmanager
Seattle Mobile .NET Developers Group - http://www.meetup.com/seattlemobiledevelopers
Belkin WeMo Insight Switch - http://www.belkin.com/us/p/p-f7c029/
Belkin WeMo SDK - http://developers.belkin.com/wemo/sdk
Google Glass Add-in for Xamarin Studio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyjb4qox9fm
Google Glass Add-in on GitHub - https://github.com/chrisntr/glassaddin
Glass Developers GDK Reference Documentation - https://developers.google.com/glass/develop/gdk/reference/index
Find A Cat Google Glass on GitHub - https://github.com/patridge/okglassfindacat
MarkdownSharp.Portable on GitHub - https://github.com/patridge/markdownsharp.portable
Android Screen Mirroring Made Easy - http://motzcod.es/post/71998937230/android-screen-mirroring-made-easy
Mobizen - http://www.mobizen.com/en/
FlatUI for Android on Xamarin Component Store - https://components.xamarin.com/view/flatui
Using Parallax for Fun and Profit - http://blog.neteril.org/blog/2014/01/02/using-parallax-for-fun-and-profit/
Building Native User Interfaces is the Right Way To Build Cross Platform Style Apps - http://morewally.com/cs/blogs/wallym/archive/2013/12/15/building-native-user-interfaces-is-the-right-way-to-build-cross-platform-style-apps.aspx
Magic of NSLinguistic Tagger - http://prashantvc.com/magic-of-nslinguistic%e2%80%8btagger/
Gist for NSLinguisticTagger - https://gist.github.com/prashantvc/8039121
Xamarin.Mac Tutorial 6 - Shaking Windows - http://micjames.co.uk/xamarin-mac-tutorial-6-shaking-windows/
Porting existing .NET apps to Four Mobile Platforms with PCL - http://blog.xamarin.com/porting-existing-.net-apps-to-four-mobile-platforms-with-pcl/
Bind on GitHub - https://github.com/praeclarum/bind
ModernHttpClient on Xamarin Component Store - http://components.xamarin.com/view/modernhttpclient
Why we launched on both iOS and Android, and you should too - http://blog.cloudmagic.com/2014/01/07/why-we-launched-on-both-ios-and-android-and-you-should-too/