Episode 71
Focus on Xamarin!
March 13th, 2020
31 mins 55 secs
About this Episode
This month James and Matt talk about Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin, and everything related to Xamarin - you could say they Focus on Xamarin.
That's because on March 23, 2020 there's a live streaming event called .NET Conf - Focus on Xamarin! Tune in to get a preview of all the great content coming up.
But of course there's more in store in this pod too! You want the best features of Xamarin.Forms 4.5? You got it. Not enough & you want 4.6 pre-release news too? Done & done! Haven't heard enough about AndroidX yet - well fill you in some more. And we'll even let you know how Xamarin.Essentials released both 1.4 and 1.5 at the same time! (hint... it's all related to AndroidX!)
And of course, the Azure Service of the Month and Pick of the Pod!
Show Notes
Latest Releases
Xamarin News
- 5 things to be excited about in Xamarin.Forms 4.5
- Xamarin.Forms 4.6-pre release notes
- Xamarin.Essentials 1.4 & 1.5 are out
- How to bind Swift libraries
- The iOS - Swift Nuke library for Xamarin.Forms
- How to bind Kotlin libraries
- Did you know you can make every Forms layout a repeater?!?
Azure News
Azure Service of the Month
Pick of the Pod!
As always, get yourself some free Azure here!
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